Logo Redesign
March 28, 2024

Key-Sprung, on behalf of Loose Creative, is seeking the expertise of talented freelance logo designers to craft a new logo that aligns with Loose Creative’s current branding yet introduces a refreshed, modern identity. This logo will serve as the cornerstone of Loose Creative's brand across all platforms, symbolizing the brand's evolution while maintaining its established values and aesthetics. Loose' current website is www.loosecreative.com

To create a logo that represents Loose Creative's innovative and creative spirit, ensuring it resonates with the current audience and attracts new clients. The logo should be versatile, scalable, and capable of being integrated seamlessly across various media and promotional materials.


  • Style: Reflective of Loose Creative’s existing branding with a fresh, contemporary twist.
  • Color Scheme: Complementary to current branding colors, with flexibility for use in monochrome as well as full color.
  • Applications: The logo must be adaptable for digital platforms, print materials, merchandise, and other branding collaterals.
  • Deliverables should include a main logo, iconography for social media, and a brand mark that can be used independently.


  • Final logo design in vector format (AI, SVG) and raster formats (JPG, PNG) for various uses.
  • A branding guideline document outlining the usage of the logo, color palette, and typography.
  • Mockups demonstrating the logo in different contexts (e.g., website header, business card, merchandise).


  • Proposal Submission Deadline: April 4th
  • Project Start Date: Upon selection, shortly after proposal review
  • Final Logo Delivery: April 12th

Project Budget



Proposals will be evaluated based on the designer’s experience, creativity, understanding of Loose Creative’s branding, and proposed approach. The ability to work within the provided timeline and budget will also be crucial factors in the selection process. Key-Sprung is excited to facilitate this logo design project for Loose Creative. We look forward to receiving your innovative proposals and embarking on a successful rebranding journey that enhances Loose Creative's market presence and brand identity. This project presents a valuable opportunity for creative collaboration and long-term partnership potential.

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